Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Conceptual design of a heat switch installation into a structure of satellite
Vrba, Martin ; Horák, Marek (oponent) ; Mašek, Jakub (vedoucí práce)
This Master thesis focuses on compiling a construction and heat-paths overview of space ships and space vehicles, which are used currently. Based on specific requirements and standards, conceptual designs are developed for the inclusion of a thermal switch into the satellite structure. In these chapters, specific parts are described, which partake on the heat conduction and are important from the construction view for these designed concepts. This Master thesis describes methods of computation of thermal conductivities and distribution of the force of gravity to the points of attachment for individual concepts. At the end, an evaluation and selection of the potential optimal concept is done.
The European Union as an Actor of International Space Law
Hajdúk, Roman ; Hofmannová, Mahulena (vedoucí práce) ; Ondřej, Jan (oponent)
Cieľom tejto práce je poskytnúť komplexný pohľad na postavenie EÚ v systéme medzinárodného vesmírneho práva. Práca sa venuje štruktúre, právnej úprave, povahe a jednotlivým zložkám vesmírneho programu EÚ. Ďalej skúma vesmírny rozmer vo vzťahoch medzi EÚ a OSN a postoj EÚ k vybraným zmluvám OSN o vesmíre. Okrem toho sa práca zaoberá aj spoluprácou medzi EÚ a ESA a nuansami ich vzťahov. Prvá kapitola poskytuje historický prehľad pôsobenia EÚ vo vesmíre a skúma povahu a obmedzenia vesmírnych právomocí EÚ v rámci práva EÚ. V druhej kapitole sa analyzujú súčasné vesmírne aktivity EÚ so zameraním na aktuálne právne predpisy upravujúce vesmírny program EÚ. V tejto kapitole sa tiež hodnotia ciele, štruktúra, a riadenie vesmírnych aktivít EÚ a skúmajú sa jednotlivé zložky vesmírneho programu EÚ a ich charakter. Tretia kapitola skúma postoj EÚ ku Kozmickej zmluve, Dohovoru o medzinárodnej zodpovednosti za škodu a Dohovoru o registrácii. Rozoberá ich vplyv na vesmírne právne predpisy EÚ, ako aj problémy spojené s registráciou a zodpovednosť za vesmírne objekty EÚ. Kapitola sa tiež stručne zaoberá postavením EÚ v rámci OSN a jej príslušných vesmírnych orgánov, pričom sa zameriava na podstatné aspekty relevantné pre túto prácu. Štvrtá a záverečná kapitola skúma vzťahy medzi EÚ a ESA. Predstavuje ESA, analyzuje...
Conceptual design of a heat switch installation into a structure of satellite
Vrba, Martin ; Horák, Marek (oponent) ; Mašek, Jakub (vedoucí práce)
This Master thesis focuses on compiling a construction and heat-paths overview of space ships and space vehicles, which are used currently. Based on specific requirements and standards, conceptual designs are developed for the inclusion of a thermal switch into the satellite structure. In these chapters, specific parts are described, which partake on the heat conduction and are important from the construction view for these designed concepts. This Master thesis describes methods of computation of thermal conductivities and distribution of the force of gravity to the points of attachment for individual concepts. At the end, an evaluation and selection of the potential optimal concept is done.
ESA - A Hindrance for Further Supranationalization?
Farkač, Martin ; Young, Mitchell (vedoucí práce) ; Šlosarčík, Ivo (oponent)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of International Studies Department of European Studies Master's Thesis 2018 Martin Farkač CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of International Studies Department of European Studies ESA - A Hindrance for Further Supranationalization? Master's thesis Author: Martin Farkač Study programme: International Territorial Studies Supervisor: Mitchell Young, M.A., Ph.D. Year of the defence: 2018 Declaration 1. I hereby declare that I have compiled this thesis using the listed literature and resources only. 2. I hereby declare that my thesis has not been used to gain any other academic title. 3. I fully agree to my work being used for study and scientific purposes. In Prague on 5 January 2018 Martin Farkač References FARKAČ, Martin. ESA - A Hindrance for Further Supranationalization?. Praha, 2018. 97 pages. Master's thesis (Mgr.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of International Studies. Department of European Studies. Supervisor Mitchell Young, M.A, Ph.D. Length of the thesis: 143 247 characters with spaces; 169 374 characters with spaces if notes and text fields are included Abstract The aim of this masters thesis is to assess the relation between two organizations with competences towards the European space policy...

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